• Where and when was Jesus actually born? ... #dadjoke How did Mary and Joseph know that Jesus was 7lb 6oz when he was born? They had a weigh in a manger.
  • This may disappoint many who read these words, but the Magi (wise men) were not at the stable when Jesus was born.
  • Learn more about when Jesus was born in the BC account of Dionysius Zegis. In the November/December 2017 issue of Biblical Archeology Review.
  • It doesn’t come as a surprise to most people that Jesus wasn’t actually born on December 25th in the year 0. But if that’s the case, when was Jesus actually born?
  • There’s no way to know with certainty when John was conceived, but the priestly calendar at least supports the possibility that Jesus was born in October.
  • When was Jesus born? Christ’s birth month, origins of Christmas and why 25 December is actually celebrated.
  • There are important questions that need to be answered. When was Jesus born? Why a virgin birth? Why was He born in Bethlehem?
  • Click here to read about why Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25, even though we don't know when Jesus was born.
  • When was Jesus born? So many people want to know this question, which is amusing. We do, after all, celebrate Jesus' birthday on December 25th every year.
  • How long before 4 BC was Jesus born? While the Bible doesn’t pinpoint the year when Jesus was born, it does give us a narrow range, as follows.