• The school comedy story is set in a junior high school and centers on the original manga's characters such as Eren and Mikasa as they battle with Titans.
  • Set in a middle school, the humorous tale centers around Eren and Mikasa, along with other manga series' characters, as they confront Titans.
  • Saki Nakagawa yayımlamaya başladı Titan'da Attack: Junior Yüksek Mayıs sayısında Kodansha 'ın shonen dergisi Bessatsu Shonen Magazine 9 Nisan...
  • Vamping with the uninterested eyes and a clean undercut, Levi wears the standard Titan Junior High School uniform and is seen to be .
  • Levi is the leader of Attack Junior High's secret underground club, Scout Regiment, and is reputed to be the strongest man in the world, capable of knocking out a...
  • On his first day of junior high, Eren Yeager comes face-to-face with a titan—and has his lunch stolen!
  • Based on the Attack on Titan universe, this comedic anime depicts Eren and the others as first year middle school students.
  • Attack on Titan: Junior High The school comedy story is set in a junior high school and centers on the original manga's characters such as Eren and Mikasa as...
  • On his first day of junior high, Eren Yeager comes face-to-face with a titan—and has his lunch stolen!