• As a adjective identical is. (not comparable) bearing full likeness by having precisely the same set of characteristics; indistinguishable.
  • One such pair is identical and identicalness. While they may seem interchangeable, they actually have distinct differences that are important to understand.
  • We have two identical towers, Levant and Ponant. İki tane ikiz kulemiz var, Levant ve Ponant. Three identical vans left Sector Nine after the raid on the bar.
  • It lays down identical principles for all Armenian citizens and identical guarantees of the right to education without any restrictions or discrimination
  • Her dress is almost identical to mine. ... 通讯专业词汇库 - MBA智库文档 ... idealization 理想化 identical 恒等的 identical network 恒等网络 ...
  • Примеры - identical equality, to become identical, our tastes are identical, identical with the original, both events happened on the identical day.
  • Terrorists have a capacity to use all the new technologies to transfer money around so we need together have identical rules in countries.
  • Both towered over six feet. In physique they were near identical, their huge frames swollen with thick, corded muscle.
  • Are organisms with identical numbers of chromosomes identical? ... 'char a' and 'char a' are identical. Are mia hamms twins fraternal or identical?
  • Identical twins (also called monozygotic twins) result from the fertilization of a single egg by a single sperm, with the fertilized egg then splitting into two.