• Synonyms: convincing. cogent, persuasive, plausible, powerful, potent, strong, forceful, compelling, irresistible, telling, conclusive, resounding, emphatic, decisive.
  • Need another word that means the same as “convincing”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “convincing” in this overview.
  • Convincing requires a spreadsheet or some other rational device. ... But it’s impossible to change someone’s mind merely by convincing them of your point.
  • But the reality is that forgeries can be very convincing . Pero la realidad es que las falsificaciones pueden ser muy convincentes .
  • Define convincing by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.
  • The Convincing Company is a management consultancy run by crisis communications maven Adele Cehrs and former FBI hostage negotiator Chip Massey.
  • In the second, I have been flattered with your confidence on more than one occasion before now, a convincing proof of my trustworthiness.
  • Persuasive as an adjective is able to persuade; convincing while Convincing as an adjective is effective as proof or evidence.
  • Related: Convinced; convincing; convincingly. To convince a person is to satisfy his understanding as to the truth of a certain statement; to persuade him is, by...
  • She overreaches in her latest book, and her argument is not convincing. ... We need to provide a convincing argument as to why the system should be changed.