• To prevent it from being taken too seriously at first, Volkerding gave it a humorous name, which stuck even after Slackware became a serious project.[15].
  • What you get from Slackware is a clean system that expects more of the user, at the command line and in the configuration process.
  • Slack 12 or Slamd64 12 + GnuCash 2.2.4. Success! A minimal install of gnome dependencies to get GnuCash installed on slackware!
  • Slackware is a curious animal, minding its own business while other distros roam the popularity plain and strive for dominance among their peers.
  • This is my attempt to go over Slackware package management in a way that can help newcomers to the distro understand it much faster.
  • Slagz - Slackware Package Manager v.0.3Slagz is a frontent of two package management tools for Slackware - swaret and slapt-get.
  • A new release is usually made once every few years. Slackware’s -current development tree closely follows bleeding edge of upstream releases.
  • The Best Slackware Hosting Solution. Each of our web hosting solutions are fine-tuned, blazing fast and are ready for you!
  • «Since its first beta release in April of 1993, the Slackware Linux Project has aimed at producing the most “UNIX-like” Linux distribution out there.
  • So back to the two distros in question: Arch and Slackware. Both install in text mode (with text-based GUI widgets) and don't fire up X until you tell them to.