• What is IPFS/IPNS? Explore the decentralized protocols that are redefining data storage and retrieval on the web.
  • Understanding IPFS in Depth(3/6): What is InterPlanetary Naming System(IPNS)? Why do need IPNS, How to Use it and it’s Comparison with DNS.
  • The InterPlanetary Name System (IPNS) is a system for creating mutable pointers to CIDs known as names or IPNS names.
  • Contains an object with validate (marshalledData, key) and select (dataA, dataB) functions. The validate async function aims to verify if an IPNS record is valid.
  • The InterPlanetary Name System (IPNS) is a system for creating such mutable pointers to CIDs known as names or IPNS names.
  • IPNS (InterPlanetary Name System) and IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) are reshaping the way we handle data storage and management on the internet.
  • This is where the InterPlanetary Naming System (IPNS) gets into the equation. IPNS records provide cryptographically verifiable, mutable pointers to objects.
  • Technical specifications for the IPFS protocol stack - specs/ipns/IPNS.md at main · ipfs/specs.
  • IPNS-Link Gateways act like a CDN and will resolve IPFS and IPNS URLs, offloading work from you to the IPFS network.
  • The Fleek Platform SDK helps you create mutable pointers to CIDs known as InterPlanetary Name System (IPNS) names.