• Gnuplot has been supported and under active development since 1986. Gnuplot supports many different types of 2D and 3D plots.
  • gnuplot is a command-line and GUI program that can generate two- and three-dimensional plots of functions, data, and data fits.
  • Gnuplot is also highly scriptable: its syntax is concise and makes simple tasks simple, so it can be controlled entirely through command-line scripts.
  • Gnuplot is a command-line driven open-source plotting utility, with many features such as fitting, and 3D plotting available.
  • Gnuplot 3.0 additions: Gershon Elber and many others. Gnuplot 4.0 and 5.0 additions: See list of contributors at head of this document.
  • or see the WWW gnuplot page. When posting a question, please include full details of the version of gnuplot, the machine, and operating system you are using.
  • plot '++' @color_arrows. Important is the first line that enables the use of macros in gnuplot which is disabled by default.
  • It can also plot three dimensional data. Go to terminal. Type gnuplot to start up; however, if it is not installed, you will follow the instruction as “apt-get install gnuplot.”
  • Gnuplot Version 5.4 Patchlevel 8. Version 5.4.8 is an incremental release in the stable 5.4 series. ... A Python interface to the gnuplot plotting program.
  • How to Install Gnuplot. • Gnuplot is available for all platforms, including Linux, Mac and Windows at the web site http://www.gnuplot.info.