• Bu yazıda, Java Swing’in temel özelliklerini anlayarak etkileşimli ve estetik kullanıcı arayüzleri tasarlamanın inceliklerini öğreneceğiz.
  • Swing components mainly vary in terms of visual style and user interface, depending on the package. Double buffering is a primary feature of Java Swing.
  • JFC consists of AWT, Swing, Accessibility, Java 2D, and Drag and Drop. Swing was released in 1997 with JDK 1.2. It is a mature toolkit.
  • The intention was to rename it from javax.swing to java.swing, but by the time it was accepted, there was already too much code written using javax.
  • Swing has about four times the number of User Interface [UI] components as AWT and is part of the standard Java distribution.
  • Java Swing, a graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit for Java, has been a cornerstone for creating such applications.
  • This is just a basic way to use Java Swing to create a GUI, but there’s much more to learn about creating and manipulating GUIs in Java Swing.
  • The Java Swing package contains JPanel, a container for storing a collection of components. JPanel's primary function is to organize components.
  • This Java Swing tutorial will help you master Java GUI programming to build robust desktop applications.
  • Swing is a part of Java Foundation classes (JFC), the other parts of JFC are java2D and Abstract window toolkit (AWT).