• It is a normal and often healthy emotion. However, when a person experiences excessive anxiety, it can become a medical disorder
  • There is a political anxiety whereby all the countries apparently feel able to compromise fundamental legal principles.
  • 3.2.2 Performance and competitive. 3.3 Stranger, social, and intergroup anxiety. 3.4 Trait. 3.5 Choice or decision. 3.6 Panic disorder. 4 Anxiety disorders.
  • Fortunately, understanding anxiety symptoms, their causes, and how to alleviate them can eliminate the symptoms and alleviate fears often associated with them.
  • People who experience anxiety are haunted by their memories and experiences, and although they desperately wish to get past them, they normally cannot.
  • Often, anxiety disorders involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks).
  • A certain level of anxiety is a natural survival response so that when you see a threat you can protect yourself.
  • Anxiety is a biological response which keeps you alert to possible dangers. In this sense, anxiety is not only normal but can also be helpful.
  • Treatment aims to eliminate symptoms such as severe anxiety, palpitations, trembling and sweating; and also, to make people gain effective coping mechanisms.