- en.wikipedia.org OboeThe oboe uses a double reed, similar to that used for the bassoon.[12] Most professional oboists make their reeds to suit their individual needs.
- medium.com @tedslistofficial/best-oboe-brands-…In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to know to make an informed decision when it comes to buying an oboe.
- tr.wikipedia.org ObuaRalph Vaughan Williams, Concerto for Oboe and Strings, Ten Blake Songs for oboe and tenor.
- tureng.com tr/turkce-ingilizce/oboeKelime ve terimleri çevir ve farklı aksanlarda sesli dinleme. oboe obua principal oboe obua grup şefi oboe obua a small oboe ne demek.
- brassnwind.com history-and-types-of-oboes-2/No one knows for certain where the instrument called the oboe originated, but it’s generally believed it came from a Middle Eastern double-reed instrument...
- summina Oboe Instrument Professional Oboe C Key Semi-automatic Style Gold Plated Keys Woodwind Instrument with Oboe Reed G...
- teds-list.com instruments/oboe/The Oboe was first used in orchestras in the middle of the 17th century, and quickly became an integral part of a standard orchestral line-up.
- yamaha.com en/musical_instrument_guide/oboe/Oboes, whose name comes from the French for "high-pitched wood," are excellent for solo performances with many notes in high ranges.
- musicalhow.com Woodwind InstrumentsThe modifications and enhancements to the Baroque Oboe created a surge in popularity with the Classical Oboe and composers such as Beethoven and Mozart...
Müzik Aleti
Genel bilgiler
Obua, nefesli çalgılar ailesinden bir müzik aletidir.
1170 yılından önce "hautbois" denilen obuanın sözcük kökeni Fransızcadan İngilizceye geçen HAUT ("yüksek") ve BOIS (ahşap nefesli çalgı) bileşik kelimesinden türetilmiştir. Obua, ağız ve hava basıncıyla çalınır.
Diğer ahşap nefesli çalgılarla karşılaştırıldığında obua daha derinlemesine bir ses verir. Obuanın orta la sesi, diğer enstrümanların farklı uç seslerinin ortasıyla eşittir. Orkestralarda akort işlemi için la sesi obuadan alınır.
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