• Fast, reliable answers and still in trust: Qwant does not store your search data, does not sell your personal data and is hosted in Europe.
  • The map service that finds the right addresses and guides you around without tracking you.
  • 90% of Qwant users satisfied.* Your preferences, your plans, your health (…): what you search on Qwant Search is none of our business and remains confidential.
  • An innovative search engine. Qwant is changing the rules of web search thanks to its new artificial intelligence capable of offering short and precise answers.
  • Read writing from Qwant on Medium. Qwant is the one search engine made in Europe that protects your privacy. We don't need your data to deliver good results!.
  • Qwant is a European web search engine, launched in July 2013 and operated from Paris. It is the only EU-based search engine with its own indexing engine.
  • Qwant kullanıcılarına saygı duyuyor 2013 yılında piyasaya sürülen Qwant, Avrupa'da geliştirilen ve barındırılan, kullanıcılarına saygı duyan bir arama motorudur.
  • Run by a Nonprofit Organization. qwant.us is crafted and operated by our non-profit entity, qWant–Association for Free Access to Knowledge.
  • On mobile, the Qwant application goes beyond its function as a search engine and becomes a browser that lets you browse the web in complete security.
  • fransa kökenli ağ tarayıcısı. kullandigi 14 dilden biri türkce. https://www.qwant.com/?q=. ... https://www.qwant.com/?q=.