• The Lost City. Captain Nemo took us north, through the Indian Ocean, to the Red Sea. But the Red Sea had no exit.
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  • The lost city. Captain Nemo took us north, through the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea. As we got closer to Egypt, I went upstairs to the glass room at the...
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  • Chapter seven: The Lost City. Captain Nemo took us north, through the Indian Ocean, to the Red Sea. But the Red Sea had no exit.
  • Chapter seven. The Lost City. Captain Nemo took us north, through the Indian Ocean, to the Red Sea. But the Red Sea had no exit.
  • Chapter seven. The Lost City. Captain Nemo took us north, through the Indian Ocean, to the Red Sea. But the Red Sea had no exit.
  • True: They sailed through the Mediterranean Sea., The Nautilus did not go near the surface of the water., Captain Nemo took us north., False
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  • Текст простой, вникни. Все легко. Перевод внизу. ... I have a personal e-mail and have an oppotunity to chat with my friends from other cities and countries.
  • Ned Land had his harpoon with him, but he was very busy trying to collect as many oysters as he could. Captain Nemo took us to a small cave.
    Bulunamadı: lost, north
  • Автор - akzhunisk11. Read the extract again and complete the sentences. 1 Captain Nemo took us north,through the Indian Ocean to the....
    Bulunamadı: lost, текст
  • Where was Captain Nemo taking us to? I could not say. This, however, did not satisfy the Canadian, who that day came to me asking where we were going.
    Bulunamadı: lost, north
  • 1) Captain Nemo took us north, through the Indian Ocean to _. ... 2) We sailed through the Mediterranean Sea and _.
    Bulunamadı: lost, текст
  • 1 captain nemo took us north,through the indian ocean to 2 we sailed through the mediterranean sea and 3 there were stone houses and 4 atlantic did exist...
    Bulunamadı: lost, city
  • But seeking carefully, Captain Nemo soon found a narrow opening, through which he boldly slipped, knowing, however, that it would close behind him.
    Bulunamadı: north, текст
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    Bulunamadı: took, lost