• Trusted TLS 3.0
    • Trusted Java 2.0
    • Tomcat 7.0 (либо IBM Websphere 7.0, Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.2)
  • We are happy to provide you now with a list of scientific publications where we outline our efforts of integrating Trusted Computing in Java.
  • Trusted Java 1.5.3's full uninstall command line is RunDll32. LicMan.exe is the programs's main file and it takes about 260.00 KB (266240 bytes) on disk.
  • try to programmatically ask Java to look into both TrustStores during the resolution of the trust of the entity.
  • The Exception Site List feature was introduced in the release of Java 7 Update 51. By adding application URL to the Exception list allows users to run Rich...
  • When Java throws this error, it means there was some problem while trying to verify the server’s certificate. Java’s list of trusted certificates.
  • How to add a trusted CA (Certificate Authority) certificate into Java default keystore on Windows?
  • The Trusted Java library gives the chance to use cryptographic transactions in Java applications on the basis of the certified cryptoalgorithms.
  • java –Dcom.digt.trusted.jsse.certFile=file.cer –D com.digt.trusted.jsse.keyPasswd=.
  • In https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/319 there is a list of root certificates trusted by default since java 10. Reproduced here for convenience